① Theme:

Acupuncture Research and Clinical Applications

② Main topics:

  1. Basic Science and Clinical Research in Acupuncture
  2. Acupuncture Practice including Innovative Acupuncture Techniques and their Application
  3. Experience Sharing and Clinical Effectiveness on the Combination of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
  4. Acupuncture Education, Training and Exchange
  5. Literature Research in Acupuncture
  6. Development and Collaboration in the Acupuncture Industry.

③ Programs:

议程 / Programme

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
11/10/2024 13:00-23:00 Registration 报到注册
11/10/2024 Bleriot 14:00-18:00 The meeting of the 10th Executive Committee of WFAS
11/10/2024 Bleriot 20:00-22:00 Reception 招待会
12/10/2024 Registration Desk 07:00-09:00 Registration 报到注册

12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 09:00-09:45

Open ceremony 开幕式


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:00-9:05 英方承办学会会长邢玫致欢迎词/英联合承办学会Mike cummings致辞
Welcome speech by Mei Xing, President of the ATCM/Speech by Mike Cummings, President of the BMAS
2 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:05-9:10 世界针灸学会联合会主席刘保延致辞
Speech by Baoyan Liu, President of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS)
Baoyan Liu
3 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:10-9:15 中国中医科学院副院长、世界针灸学会联合会副主席杨龙会致辞
Speech by Longhui Yang, Vice President of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Vice President of the WFAS
Longhui Yang
4 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:15-9:20 世界卫生组织传统、补充与整合医学处负责人金承哲致辞
Speech by Sung-chol Kim, Head of the WHO Department of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine
Sungchol, KIM
5 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:20-9:25 拟请英国皇室官员致辞
Proposed speech by a member of the British Royal Family
6 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:25-9:30 中华人民共和国驻大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国大使馆科技公参丁明勤致辞
Speech by Mingqin Ding, Science and Technology Counselor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mingqin Ding
7 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:30-9:35 中国国家中医药管理局领导致辞
Speech by a leader from the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
8 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:35-9:40 发布《针灸临床研究证据蓝皮书(2015-2024)》
Release of the "Blue Book on Acupuncture Clinical Research Evidence (2015-2024)"
9 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:40-9:45 大会合影
Group photo of the conference participants

12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 09:50-13:30

Keynote Speech 主旨报告

主持人:邢玫,杨龙会 Mike Cumming, Robin Kerr

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 9:50-10:20 新时代针灸临床研究与标准化的进展与挑战
Progress and challenges of clinical research and standardization of acupuncture and moxibustion in the new era
Baoyan Liu
2 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 10:20-10:40 2023年传统、补充和综合医学的全球格局(TCIM)
The 2023 Global Landscape of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM)
Sungchol, KIM
3 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 10:40-11:10 基于病理生理学的穴位选择与刺激原则——一种西医针灸方法
Principles for point selection and stimulation based on pathophysiology – a Western medical acupuncture approach
Thomas Lundeberg
4 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 11:10-11:30 中医药标准化概况——挑战与机遇
Overview of ISO Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Challenges and Opportunities
Zhen Sang
5 12/10/2024 Tea Room 11:30-12:00 Tea Break
6 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 12:00-12:20 从神经针灸的显著疗效,展望其未来发展前景
Significant Results of Neuro-Acupuncture: Bright Prospects in the Future
Linda Hao
7 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 12:20-12:40 推动针灸科研的卓越发展:担任《针灸医学》主编十年的见解
Fostering excellence in acupuncture research: Insights from a decade as Editor-in-Chief of Acupuncture in Medicine
David Coggin-Carr
大卫 科金卡尔
8 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 12:40–13:10 循证针灸:随机对照试验和肥大细胞分布的诠释
Evidence-Based Acupuncture: Interpretation of Randomized Controlled Trials and Mast Cell Distribution
Yongming Li
9 12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 13:10-13:30 癌症治疗、生存护理及临终关怀中的针灸应用
Acupuncture in cancer care, survivorship & palliative care
Jacqueline Filshie
No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
12/10/2024 RBG Restaurant 13:30-14:30 午餐
Lunch break

星期六下午 Saturday afternoon

12/10/2024 Atlantis 14:30-17:35

Clinical research and application of Acupuncture and Moxibustion


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Atlantis 14:30-14:45 针灸临床研究整合证据链的构建
Construction of the integrative evidence chain in clinical trial of acupuncture and moxibustion
Nenggui Xu
2 12/10/2024 Atlantis 14:45-15:00 针灸临床指南:肩周炎的针灸治疗特色与应用
Clinical guideline on acupuncture and moxibustion: Characteristics and application of acupuncture in treatment of periarthritis of shoulder
Jinsheng Yang
3 12/10/2024 Atlantis 15:00-15:15 岭南疏肝调神整合针灸治疗中度抑郁障碍的研究
Lingnan Liver-Soothing and Spirit-Relgulating Integrative Acupuncture for the Treatment of Moderate Depressive Disorders
Wenbin Fu
4 12/10/2024 Atlantis 15:15-15:30 Placebo: leading us up the garden path Ian Appleyard
5 12/10/2024 Atlantis 15:30-15:45 针灸治疗梨状肌综合征的腧穴配伍规律及针方特点
Characteristics of acupoint compatibility and acupuncture prescriptions in the treatment of piriformis syndrome with acupuncture and moxibustion
Lin Han
6 12/10/2024 Atlantis 15:45-16:00 针灸对美沙酮减量的疗效:一项随机临床试验
Effect of Acupuncture for Methadone Reduction A Randomized Clinical Trial
Liming Lu
12/10/2024 Tea Room 16:00-16:20 茶休 Tea break
7 12/10/2024 Atlantis 16:20-16:35 如何提高针灸循证临床指南和推荐意见的实用性?
Acupuncture: How to increase the usefulness of acupuncture guideline recommendations
Yuqing Zhang
8 12/10/2024 Atlantis 16:35-16:50 火针临床应用案例分享
Fire needle clinical application and case report
Yingxue Cu
9 12/10/2024 Atlantis 16:50-17:05 岭南针灸的文化特点与内涵初探
An Exploration of the Cultural Characteristics and Connotations of Lingnan Acupuncture
Qian Wu
10 12/10/2024 Atlantis 17:05-17:20 针灸治疗桥本甲状腺炎临床研究的范围综述
A Scoping Review of Clinical Studies on Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Shanze Wang
11 12/10/2024 Atlantis 17:20-17:35 电针通过神经元兴奋性和抑制平衡促进中风后运动障碍的机制研究
Neuron Excitability and inhibition balance modulate the process of electroacupuncture stimulation for stroke rehabilitation
Xiaorong Tang

12/10/2024 Endeavour 14:30-17:30

International education and promotion of suitable technologies

主持人:马铁明 岳增辉

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Endeavour 14:30-14:40 国际针灸教育教材建设与展望
Construction and Prospect of International acupuncture and moxibustion Education Textbooks
Hua Wang
2 12/10/2024 Endeavour 14:40-14:50 整合医学时代的美国针灸教育能力培养
Competency cultivation of acupuncture and moxibustion Education in the United States in the Era of Integrative Medicine
Yemeng Chen
3 12/10/2024 Endeavour 14:50-15:00 艾灸"治神"与心身疾病的治疗思路
Moxibustion "Regulating the Spirit" and the Treatment Approach to Psychosomatic Illnesses
Xiaorong Chang
4 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:00-15:10 针灸治疗原发性失眠的临床与基础研究
Clinical and basic research of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of primary insomnia
Zenghui Yue
5 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:10-15:20 "道术相合"理念与针灸的国际传播
The International Dissemination of the Concept of Dao-Shu Integration and Acupuncture
Tieming Ma
6 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:20-15:30 调神通腑达针刺技术在加速康复外科中的应用
Application of Tiaoshen Tongfu acupuncture technique in enhanced recovery after surgery
Geshu Du
7 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:30-15:40 新安针灸传承教育的历史和现状
The History and Current Status of Heritage Education of Xin'an Acupuncture-Moxibustion
Zijian Wu
8 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:40-15:50 相对穴针刺治疗失眠及刺法
Complementary Acupuncture Points combinations and treatment of insomina
Zhixin Yang
9 12/10/2024 Endeavour 15:50-16:00 基于文献计量视角的针灸教育研究现状与趋势分析
Current situation and trend analysis of acupuncture education research based on bibliometrics
Yanjun Du
12/10/2024 Tea Room 16:00-16:20 茶休 tea break
10 12/10/2024 Endeavour 16:20-16:30 针刺治疗卒中后抑郁的临床应用与研究
Clinical application and research of acupuncture in the treatment of post-stroke depression
Bidan Lou
11 12/10/2024 Endeavour 16:30-16:40 推拿手法助力高质量生活新证据
New Evidence of Massage Techniques Assisting High Quality Life
Xiaolin Zhang
12 12/10/2024 Endeavour 16:40-16:50 针刺廉泉穴的针感与脑效应相关性分析
Correlation between Needling Sensation and Brain Effect when Stimulated at Lianquan (RN 23)
Zhimiao Murong
14 12/10/2024 Endeavour 16:50-17:00 针灸改善帕金森病行为学的作用机制研究
A study of the mechanism of action of acupuncture to improve the behavioral aspects of Parkinson's diseas
Yanan Li
15 12/10/2024 Endeavour 17:00-17:10 推拿在罕见病中的作用及疗效:以肌萎缩侧索硬化为例
The effectiveness of Tuina therapy for treating rare disease: the case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Qiaochu Zhu
16 12/10/2024 Endeavour 17:10-17:20 电针调控蓝斑下核α区谷氨酸能神经元活性改善心肌梗死小鼠心脏功能
Electroacupuncture modulation of glutamatergic neuron activity in the alpha region of the subglottic nucleus improves cardiac function in myocardial infarction mice
Wenxiu Duan
16 12/10/2024 Endeavour 17:20-17:30 在北美中医发展针灸教育需要注重其特殊性和实用性
Enhancing Acupuncture Education in Traditional Chinese Medicine in North America: Emphasizing Specificity and Practicality
Alina Chen

12/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:30-17:30

Cardiovascular & digestive disease and new theory of FSN


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:30-14:45 针灸可降低脑性麻痹(脑瘫)患者误吸入性肺炎的风险
Acupuncture Reduces Aspiration Pneumonia Risk in Cerebral Palsy Patients
Fengsun Mao
2 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:45-15:00 基于"筋膜即经络"假说的经络理论阐发
Elaboration of Meridians and Collaterals Theory Based on "Fascia as Meridians and Collaterals" Hypothesis
Yi Jiang
3 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:00-15:15 针刺治疗高血压的实验研究:对管理多种血管疾病的意义
Experimental Studies on Acupuncture for Hypertension: Implications for Managing Diverse Vascular Disorders
Zhixiu Lin
4 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:15-15:30 针刺治疗后中风患者血压波形频谱指数的特征
Characteristics of spectral indices of the blood pressure waveform in stroke patients after acupuncture treatment
Chao-Tsung Chen
5 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:30-15:45 针灸可降低慢性寻麻疹患者罹患高血压的风险:进一步探讨
Acupuncture Reduces Hypertension Risk in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria Patients : Further Discussion
Hengwei Zhang
6 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:45-16:00 经皮耳迷走神经电刺激治疗频发室性早搏(TASC-V)
Efficacy and Safety of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Frequent Premaure Ventricular Complexes (TASC-V)
Jiani Wu
12/10/2024 Tea Room 16:00-16:20 茶休 Tea break
7 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:20-16:35 娴熟运用针刺手法是提高临床疗效的重要手段
Skillful use of acupuncture manipulation techniques as an important means to improve clinical efficacy
Bingjiang Wu
8 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:35-16:50 气血理论指导下浮针治疗内妇科疾病的临床实践
Clinical Practice of Fu's Subcutaneous Needling for Internal and Gynaecological Diseases Based on the New Theory of Qi and Blood
Jian Sun
9 12/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:50-17:25 从浮针的发明和运用到气血新论
From the Invention and Application of FSN to the New Theory of Qi & Blood
Zhonghua Fu

12/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:30-17:30

Clinic and experimental studies on acupuncture and moxibustion

Host: 王舒, 胡军

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:30-14:45 针灸治疗甲状腺功能异常的临床研究
Clinical study of acupuncture in the treatment of thyroid dysfunction
Jun Hu
2 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:45-15:00 触骨针法的临床应用
Clinical Application of Bone Acupuncture
Zhibin Liu
3 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:00-15:15 针刺症状部位皮下结缔组织张力点的效果
Effects of superficial Acupuncture of tensioned subcutaneous connective tissue spots parallel to the spine
Thomas Meyer
4 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:15-15:30 建立符合中医特点的针灸临床疗效评价方法和框架势在必行
It is imperative to establish the TCM-relevant methodology and framework for the evaluation of clinical efficacy of acupuncture
Fulin Wang
5 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:30-15:45 梅花针联合小儿推拿对青少年近视的防治策略
The prevention and treatment strategy of plum blossom needle combined with pediatric massage for myopia in adolescents
Weigang Wang
6 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:45-16:00 杨氏黧罐在中风后肌张力障碍的临床疗效与创新
Clinical efficacy and innovation of Yang's pricking and cupping therapy in post-stroke dystonia
Siming Ni
12/10/2024 Tea Room 16:00-16:15 茶休 Tea Break
7 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 16:15-16:30 针刺通过调节肠道菌群和结肠NLRP3炎症小体改善卒中后抑郁症的机制研究
Acupuncture Ameliorates Depression-like Behavior of Post-stroke Depression Model Rats through the Regulation of Gut Microbiota and NLRP3 Inflammasome in the Colon
Wa Cai
8 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 16:30-16:45 基于 TLR4/NF-κB 信号通路探讨电针"郄门穴"后处理对小鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤细胞焦亡的影响
The Effects of Electroacupuncture at "Ximen" Acupoint on Mitigating Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Mice via the TLR4/NF-κB Pathway
Larissa Tao
9 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 16:45-17:00 电针下调lncRNA-Miat抑制心肌纤维化的心肌保护作用
Downregulation of lncRNA Miat contributes to the protective effect of electroacupuncture against myocardial fibrosis
Wenchuan Qi
10 12/10/2024 Discovery 3 17:00-17:15 毫针刺三阴穴综合十二正经腧穴治疗痔疮疼痛疾病临床观察
Clinical Observation of Treating Hemorrhoid Pain with Fine Needles in Sanqi Points Combined with Twelve Meridians Acupoints
Boguang Xu

12/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:30-17:30

Expert Forum for Pain


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:30-14:45 "东氏针灸"针刺治疗肩痛症临床治验
Experiences of "Dong's acupuncture" in the Treatment of Shoulder Pain Disorders
Guirong Dong
2 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:45-15:00 骨科疗法与针灸治疗骶髂关节功能障碍引起的腰痛
Osteopathic and acupuncture management of sacroiliac joint dysfunction in low back pain
Tianyi Jin
3 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:00-15:15 基于疼痛阈值、β-内啡肽和儿茶酚胺变化评估大长针(BOA针)对颈椎病患者的疗效
Evaluating the effect of the big-long needle (boa-acupuncture) based on changes in pain threshold, β-endorphin, catecholamine in cervical spondylosis patients
Pham Quoc Binh
4 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:15-15:30 基于真实世界病历注册登记的针灸治疗慢性腰痛临床研究
Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: a real world registry study
Jia Liu
5 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:30-15:45 "项八针"疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病颈痛的临床疗效观察
Clinical Observation On The Efficacy Of Nape Eight-needle Acupuncture In Treating Neck Pain Caused By Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy
Weidong Shen
6 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:45-16:00 针刺治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆底疼痛综合征的随机对照临床试验
Efficacy of Acupuncture for Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Trial
Yuanjie Sun
12/10/2024 Tea Room 16:00-16:20 茶休 Tea Break
6 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 16:20-16:35 针灸根据腰痛类型对桡动脉不同脉位的高频谱能量产生差异性影响
Acupuncture Differentially Affects the High-Frequency Spectral Energy in Radial Pulse Positions Depending on Type of Lower Back Pain
Yu-chen Lee
7 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 16:35-16:50 针灸整脊诊疗胸腰病症
AcuChiro Therapy for Thoraco-Lumbar Disorders
Hui Ouyang
8 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 16:50-17:05 名中医王竹兴经验方浸浴改善中风后肢端肿胀的临床观察
Clinical Observation on Treatment of Limb Swelling after Apoplexy by Immersion Bath with Wang Zhuxing's Experience Formula
Lili Zhu
9 12/10/2024 Discovery 1 17:05-17:20 雷射针灸治疗难治性疼痛
Laser Acupuncture Treats Intractable Pain
Wenlong Hu
No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
12/10/2024 Discovery Hall 19:30-22:00 大会晚宴暨ATCM成立30周年庆典
Gala Dinner & ATCM's 30th Anniversary Celebration

13/10/2024 Sunday

09:00-12:30 分会场 Sub venues
12:30-14:00 午餐 Lunch
14:00-16:30 分会场 Sub venues
16:40-17:30 闭幕式 Closing ceremony

13/10/2024 Endeavour 09:00-12:40

Gynaecologist & Beauty expert Forum


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Endeavour 09:00-09:15 针灸治疗卵巢早衰的临床研究与应用
Clinical Study and application of acupuncture and moxibustion on premature ovarian failure
Wei Zhang
2 13/10/2024 Endeavour 09:15-09:30 IVF-ET-针灸辅助治疗策略
IVF-ET-acupuncture assisted treatment strategy
Welai Liu
3 13/10/2024 Endeavour 09:30-09:45 浅谈针灸治疗不孕症的临床体会
Clinical Experience of acupuncture-Moxibustion in Treating Infertility
Dong-Yun Liang
4 13/10/2024 Endeavour 09:45-10:00 简述: 八针腹针治疗女性生殖系统疾病
Brief Discussion - The Treatment of Female Reproductive Diseases with Bagua Abdominal Acupuncture
Yan Li
5 13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:00-10:15 传统中医面部年轻化与美容针灸
Traditional Chinese Medicine Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetics Acupuncture
Tong Li
6 13/10/2024 Endeavour 10:15-10:30 通过美容针灸点应用浓缩生长因子的应用
Concentrated Growth Factor Application via Acupuncture Points with Cosmetic Acupuncture Application
Mehmet Tuğrul Cabıoğlu
13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:30-11:00 茶休 Tea break
7 13/10/2024 Endeavour 11:00-11:15 肥胖症的针灸干预研究
The Intervention of Acupuncture on Simple Obesity
Zhongyu Zhou
8 13/10/2024 Endeavour 11:15-11:30 五板五刺针法在中医美容中的应用
The Application of Five Types of Acupuncture in "Inner Canon" in TCM Beauty
Jiehui Du
9 13/10/2024 Endeavour 11:30-11:55 治疗脱发和斑秃的最新针灸方法
Latest Acupuncture Methodology for treating Alopecia and Hair Loss
Juliana Tjandra
10 13/10/2024 Endeavour 11:55-12:10 面针美容抗衰技术与临床应用
The technology and clinical application of facial acupuncture for beauty and anti-aging
Jianrong Hui
9 13/10/2024 Endeavour 12:10-12:25 关于在肥胖人群中使用耳针减肥治疗效果的研究
Research On The Effects Of Boa-Acupuncture In Weight Loss Treatment In Obese People
Tran Van Thanh

13/10/2024 Discovery 2 09:00-12:30

Expert Form for BMAS

主持人: David Coggin-Carr, Mike Cummings

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 09:00-09:30 The future of acupuncture in modern healthcare – a global perspective Mike Cummings
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 09:30-10:00 Multi-dimensional effects of electroacupuncture in a rat model of maternal obesity David Coggin-Carr
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 10:00-10:30 Hospital-based perioperative acupuncture Stephanie Cheng
13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:30-11:00 茶休
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 11:00-11:25 Acupuncture for the relief of gag reflex in patients undergoing transoesophageal echocardiography - a randomized placebo-controlled trial Taras I. Usichenko
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 11:25-11:50 Acupuncture and neuroinflammation Miltiades Karavis
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 11:50-12:15 A Western medical acupuncture approach to point selection Thomas Lundeberg
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 12:15-12:30 The future of acupuncture" round-table discussion Mike Cummings, with invited guests

13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:00-12:30

The Application and Demonstration of Innovative Needling Techniques and the Inheritance of Abdominal Acupuncture


No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:00-09:10 火针结合腹针治疗顽固性失眠
Treatment of refractory insomnia with fire needle combined with abdominal acupuncture
Guang Yang
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:10-09:20 全息视角下的腹针治疗:骨关节疾病治疗的新解读
Abdominal Acupuncture from a Holographic Perspective: A New Interpretation of Osteoarticular Disease Treatment
Congyan Bo
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:20-09:30 深入剖析腹针疗法在脑血管病后遗症康复过程中的作用机制-基于"脑肠轴"理论的探讨
In-depth analysis of the mechanism of abdominal acupuncture in the rehabilitation of sequelae of cerebrovascular disease - based on the discussion of the theory of "brain-gut axis".
Chunyan Bai
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:30-09:40 薄氏腹针配合参黄连阿胶汤治疗女性更年期失眠症的报告
Case Report On The Treatment Of Female Climacteric Insomnia By Bo's Abdominal Acupuncture Combined With Shenxiang Huanglian E-jiao Decoction
Guangliang Wang
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:40-09:50 薄氏腹针治疗多囊卵巢综合征合并胰岛素抵抗不孕症的疗效及可能机制研究
The therapeutic effect of Bo's abdominal acupuncture on polycystic ovary syndrome combined with insulin resistance infertility and possible mechanism research
Min Xu
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 09:50-10:00 从腹针发明人薄智云临床医案论"取穴精准化"的重要性
The Importance of Accurate Location of Acupoints
Jiamin Yang
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 10:00-10:20 经证实的椎间盘突出患者腰痛的针灸/艾灸治疗
Acupuncture/Moxibustion Treatment of Lumbago in Patients with Proven Herniated Discs
Thomas Braun
B.AC. (M. D.)
8 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 10:20-10:30 时空针灸记忆时穴的指导意义及应用摘要
Clinical Guidance and Application of Space-Time Acupuncture Memory Points
Chunxin Chen
13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:30-11:00 茶休 Tea Break
9 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:00-11:10 微针刀治疗颈源性眩晕技术
Micro-acupotomy Treatment of cervical vertigo Technology
Bo-Xu Lang
10 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:10-11:20 膝关节骨性关节炎的阶梯化管理及微针刀的分级治疗
Staged Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint and Graded Treatment with Micro Scalpel Needle
Xianhua Zhou
11 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:20-11:30 经络诊察在针灸临床中的运用
The application of meridian diagnosis in acupuncture
Shuo Yang
12 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:30-11:40 艾灸对ApoE-/-
The Effect of Moxibustion on Silent Information Regulatory Factor1/Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Signal Pathway in ApoE-/- Atherosclerotic
Xiya Mo
13 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:40-11:50 火针的临床应用
Clinical application of fire needle
Caihong Lan
14 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 11:50-12:00 苗箭弩药针疗法在治疗癌性疼痛中的应用
Miao Medicine Crossbow Medicine Needle Therapy In The Treatment Of Cancer Pain
Gao Li
15 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 12:00-12:10 基于"从肝论治"电针肝经腧穴治疗DOR的临床与机制
Clinical and mechanistic exploration of electroacupuncture at Liver meridian acupoints for the treatment of DOR based on the principle of "treating for the liver"
Zhihong Yang
16 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 12:10-12:20 耳针改善胰腺癌因性疲惫之疗效评估
The efficacy of auricular acupuncture of cancel-related fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic
Tse-Hung Huang
17 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 12:20-12:30 针刺敏化穴治疗结直肠癌化疗后胃肠功能障碍患者的随机对照临床研究
Acupuncture sensitization points for the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction after chemotherapy for colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled trial
Ziwen Chen

13/10/2024 Discovery 1 09:00-12:30

ATCM Expert Forum

主持人: 师军, 祝柏芳

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 09:00-09:30 新冠病毒感染引发心理素乱病症的针灸中医诊治特色——附在英国诊治62例病例分析
Acupuncture Management of Psychological Disorders Caused by Covid-19—Review of 62 Cases
Dan Jiang
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 09:30-09:45 现代腹诊针灸,针灸标准化教学的探索
Modern abdominal diagnosis acupuncture, exploration of standardized teaching of acupuncture
Ying Wang
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 09:45-10:00 中医策略及其在反复植入失败中的优势
Traditional Chinese Medicine strategy and advantage in recurrent implantation failure
Qing Zhang
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 10:00-10:15 关于经络气血质的思考
The Biomedical Basis Of Meridian, Qi And Blood
Cailong Fang
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 10:15-10:30 时空针灸纳子法精要
The essence of space-time acupuncture and NaZi method
Zheng Jin
13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:30-11:00 茶休 Tea break
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 11:00-11:15 适用于针刺循证研究的"反向治疗对照"
Autologous Negative Treatment for Evidence-Based Acupuncture Studies
Jun Xu
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 11:15-11:30 基于专有中药治疗难愈深创的临床效果
Clinical Effects of Proprietary Traditional-Chinese-Medicine Based Treatment on Refractory Deep Wound
8 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 11:30-11:45 齐鲁中医学派与经方研究
Qilu TCM School and Research in Classical Prescription
Enqin Zhang
9 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 11:45-12:00 中医治疗高龄女性不孕及反复IVF-ET失败的助孕策略
TCM Treatment Strategies for Female Infertility with Advanced Age and Repeated IVF Failure
Li-Qin Zhao
10 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 12:00-12:15 影响针灸在疼痛管理中特定与非特定效果的因素
Factors Contributing To Specific And Non-specific Effects Of Acupuncture On Pain Management
Yunqin Song
11 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 12:15-12:30 于氏轻柔正骨松筋解筋手法
Yu's Gentle Bone Setting and Tendon Release Technique
Xue-Jun Yu

13/10/2024 Atlantis 09:00-12:30

Research progress and prospective study of acupuncture

主持人: 林怡生, 杨春贵

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Atlantis 09:00-09:15 针刺治疗脊柱侧弯的研究进展
A review of the literature on the use of acupuncture in the treatment of scoliosis
Hongbin Xu
2 13/10/2024 Atlantis 09:15-09:30 中医药传统知识持有人利益分享制度立法与实施现状研究
Research on the Legislation and Implementation Status of the Benefit-Sharing System for Traditional Knowledge Holders of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yuyang Yang
3 13/10/2024 Atlantis 09:30-09:45 针灸在物理医学康复诊所效果的审计
An Audit of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture in a Physical Medicine Rehabilitation clinic
Clinic Dr.Evren Kul Panza
4 13/10/2024 Atlantis 09:45-10:00 成人原发性失眠针刺治疗之实证文献分析研究
An Evidence Based Articles Review Study regarding Acupuncture Therapy on Primary Insomnia in Adults
Ziyu Zhang
5 13/10/2024 Atlantis 10:00-10:15 皮内针疗法治疗五官科疾病的临床经验
Clinical experience of subcutaneous needling therapy in the treatment of Ophthalmology, and Otorhinolaryngology diseases
Luquan Chen
6 13/10/2024 Atlantis 10:15-10:30 运用手法针刺干预抑制负性记忆的效果研究
Evaluation of the Effect of Acupuncture Intervention on Negative Memory
Mai Cui
13/10/2024 Tea Room 10:30-11:00 茶休 tea break
7 13/10/2024 Atlantis 11:00-11:15 在缺乏安慰剂的情况下针灸的有效性
The Effectiveness Of Acupuncture In The Absence Of Placebo
Duncan Lawler
8 13/10/2024 Atlantis 11:15-11:30 跨学科的针灸学习:学生主导的解剖扫描活动
An interactive student-Lead 3D scanned anatomical specimen model workshop enhances interdisciplinary peer learning of acupuncture
Qing-Yu Kong
9 13/10/2024 Atlantis 11:30-11:45 利用方便的手机应用程序提供快速的三维穴位扫描,制作附有注释虚拟插图放在线平台有助于学习穴位位置和人体经络系统的相应解剖结构
A Handy Mobile Phone Apps Provides Quick 3-Dimensional Scanning of Acupoints, accompanied with Annotated Virtual Illustration in an Online Platform Assist in Learning Acupoint Location and Corresponding Anatomical Structures of the Human Meridian System
Wai-Kai WONG
10 13/10/2024 Atlantis 11:45-12:00 大数据及人工智能在针灸传承方面的应用探讨
Exploring the Application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Acupuncture Inheritance
Lu Cheng
11 13/10/2024 Atlantis 12:00-12:15 脐环形成针灸及其八个输穴的治疗有效性
Formation of the umbilical ring acupuncture and the therapeutic validity of it's eight acupoints
Sing Hee Lam
12 13/10/2024 Atlantis 12:15-12:30 基于临床-功能脑网络多维特征预测针刺治疗功能性消化不良疗效
Predicting Acupuncture Efficacy For Functional Dyspepsia Based On Clinical-Functional Brain Networks Features
Tao Yin

13/10/2024 Johnson 09:00-12:30

研讨会: 综合医学的前沿: 神经针灸
Workshop: Frontiers of Integrated Medicine: Neuro-Acupuncture

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
13/10/2024 Johnson 9:00-12:30 Frontiers of Integrated Medicine: Neuro-Acupuncture
history, research and clinical applications
an effective system combining acupuncture and western neurosciences for
integrating acupuncture into physician training and clinical practice
Cecilia Lucenti

13/10/2024 RBG Restaurant 12:30-14:00

午餐 Lunch

13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:00-16:20

星期日下午 Sunday Afternoon
Clinical research on the combination of TCM herbal medicine and acupuncture

主持人: 李昭凤, 陈蓓琪

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:00-14:10 肩周炎的一针疗法
One Needle Therapy for Shoulder Periarthritis
Shuzhong Gao
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:10-14:20 艾灸疗法的创新应用
Innovative Application of Moxibustion Therapy
Baixiao Zhao
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:20-14:30 基于中医药现代化技术的暖宫止痛穴位贴的研发
Research and Development of Warm Uterus Pain Relieving Acupuncture Point Patch Based on the Modernization Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Fuchun Wang
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:30-14:40 现代舌诊对针药结合应用的指导意义
The Guiding Significance of Modern Tongue Diagnosis for the Application of Acupuncture and Medicine Combination
Yun Sun
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:40-14:50 针灸治疗PCI术后
Can Acupuncture help patients post-percutaneous coronary intervention?
Zhaofeng Li
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 14:50-15:00 针刺催眠疗法加皮内针治疗抑郁症
Acupuncture Hypnotherapy and Intradermal needle for Depression
Bo Yang
13/10/2024 Tea Room 15:00-15:20 茶休 tea break
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:20-15:30 热敏灸扶正气在肿瘤康复中的应用
Application of Heat-Sensitive Moxibustion in Tumor Rehabilitation
Xianbao Huang
8 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:30-15:40 基于白医药发展特点探讨白医针灸疗法研究推广和临床应用
Based on the development characteristics of Bai medicine, the research, promotion and clinical application of Bai medicine acupuncture and moxibustion therapy were discussed
Chun-Guang Zhang
9 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:40-15:50 "烧山火"七步针刺法探微
The Exploration of Traditional Heat-reinforcing Needling : the Seven Step Needling Method of "Shaoshanhuo"
Hongbin Xi
10 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 15:50-16:00 腰痛的辨经论治
Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain Based on Meridian Theory
Sikang Li
11 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 16:00-16:10 "顽固性皮肤病的中医针灸临床诊疗思路及典型病案 The Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture for Refractory Skin Diseases and Typical Case Studies" 曾世宗
Shizong Zeng
12 13/10/2024 Discovery 1 16:10-16:20 数字赋能中医针灸:从概念创新到应用探索 Digital Empowerment in Chinese Acupuncture: From Concept to Application 邵洁如 Shao Jieru

13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:00-16:20

The current levels, application and progress of international standards of acupuncture and moxibustion in TCM

主持人: 李铁, 金容爽

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:00-14:10 韩国国际标准研制经验
Korean experience in the development of international standards
Yong-suk Kim
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:10-14:20 针灸度量的国际标准现状与解决方案
Status of international standards for A&M metrics and solutions
Yongming Li
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:20-14:30 针灸临床研究管理规范解读
The Interpretation to Good clinical practice of acupuncture-moxibustion research
Liu Jia
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:30-14:40 中医药国际标准化知识产权现状研究
Current Status of Intellectual Property in the International Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Fang Fang
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:40-14:50 《针灸临床实践指南:非特异性腰痛》中临床问题及结局指标的确定
Determination of clinical questions and outcome indicators in the Clinical Practice Guideline on Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Nonspecific low back pain
Tao Yang
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 14:50-15:00 《针灸技术操作规范-穴位敷贴》
Technical benchmark of acupuncture and moxibustion- Acupoint Application
Fuchun Wang
13/10/2024 Tea Room 15:00-15:20 茶休 tea break
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:20-15:30 《针灸临床实践指南——糖尿病周围神经病变》
Clinical Guideline on Acupuncture and Moxibustion:Diabetes peripheral neuropathy
Hongfeng Wang
8 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:30-15:40 《针灸临床实践指南——肠易激综合征》
Clinical Guideline on Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Irritable bowel syndrome
Tie Li
9 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:40-15:50 《针灸临床实践指南——慢性心绞痛》
Clinical Guideline on Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris
Zhaofeng Li
10 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 15:50-16:00 《针灸技术操作规范:温和灸》
Technical benchmark of acupuncture and moxibustion -Mild Stick-Moxibustion
Haoran Chu
11 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:00-16:10 《针灸临床实践指南——功能性腹泻》
Clinical Guideline on Acupuncture and Moxibustion:Functional diarrhea
Mengyuan Li
12 13/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:10-16:20 《针灸技术操作考核规范毫针》
Standards of Operational technical assessment for filiform needle acupuncture
Tie Li
13/10/2024 Discovery 2 16:20 专家点评

13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:00-16:00

Characteristic acupuncture and research progress

主持人: 李彤, 韦国庆

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:00-14:10 天一圆道循环治疗体系临床应用
UTCMH Acupuncture Clinical Application
Ronggang Li
2 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:10-14:20 从脑机接口的角度理解头皮针的机制
Understanding the Mechanism of Scalp Acupuncture from the Perspective of Brain-Computer Interface
Tianjun Wang
3 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:20-14:30 自血穴位注射启动Treg细胞缓解2,4-二硝基氯苯诱导的小鼠特应性皮炎症状
Acupoint Autohemotherapy Attenuates DNCB-Induced Atopic Dermatitis and Activates Regulatory T Cells in BALB/c Mice
Dongshu Zhang
4 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:30-14:40 安慰剂,把针灸带入歧途
Placebo: leading us up the garden path
Ian Appleyard
5 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:40-14:50 香港樊氏针灸之肌筋膜疼痛管理与心灵治疗
Hong Kong Fan's Acupuncture for Myofascial Pain Management and Mental Health Treatment
Ruijia Liang
6 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 14:50-15:00 使用柴胡清肝汤合血府逐瘀汤加减合并针灸,治疗因使用抗癌药物卡培他滨产生严重手足症候群之乳癌患者: 一个案例报告
Treatment of Severe Hand-Foot Syndrome Induced by Capecitabine in a Breast Cancer Patient Using Modified Chaihu Qinggan Tang Combined with Xuefu Zhuyu Tang and Acupuncture: A Case Report
Chin-Chia Hsu
13/10/2024 Tea Room 15:00-15:20 茶休 tea break
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:20-15:30 “调和致中”法针刺治疗功能性消化不良的临床观察
Clinical study on the treatment of functional dyspepsia by“reconcile to harmony”acupuncture
Haoran Chu
7 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:30-15:40 基于数据挖掘探讨"半身不遂,阳陵泉达于曲池"在脑卒中后肢体痉挛状态中的临床应用
Explore the clinical application of "Half-body paralysis, Yanglingquan extends to Quchi" in post-stroke limb spasticity status through data mining
Fei Wang
8 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:30-15:40 针灸治疗鼻鼾选穴规律的数据挖掘探析
Exploration of Data Mining on the Selection Rules of Acupuncture Points for Treating Allergic Rhinitis
Chun-Xue Meng
9 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:40-15:50 针灸治疗鼻鼽选穴规律的数据挖掘探析
Exploration of Data Mining on the Selection Rules of Acupuncture Points for Treating Allergic Rhinitis
Chun-Xue Meng
10 13/10/2024 Discovery 3 15:50-16:00 火针通过调节p62/Nrf2/Keap1通路缓解溃疡性结肠炎
Fire Acupuncture Alleviate Ulcerative Colitis via the p62/Nrf2/Keap1 Pathways
Ying-Qi Wang

13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:00-16:00

Clinical Experience Sharing

主持人: 郑建华, 吴宝林

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:00-14:10 《酒-针灸临床应用机理初探》
Wine--A Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Clinical Application of Acupuncture
Jianhua Zheng
2 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:10-14:20 皮肤病验案分享
cases sharing of treatment experience for Dermatitis
Hanchang Liu
3 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:20-14:30 案例报告:针灸治疗失衡和尿失禁
Case Report: Treatment of Imbalance and Urinary Incontinence with Acupuncture
You-Wen Feng
4 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:30-14:40 针刺、手法治疗颈源性形体感知障碍2例
Two Cases of Cervicogenic Body Perception Disorder Treated with Acupuncture and Manual Treatment Techniques
Shengde Sun
5 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:40-14:50 两个案例报告:电刺激针灸(AES)在连泉(CV23)和上连泉(Ex-HN21)治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)
Two Case Reports: Acupuncture with Electrical Stimulation (AES) on Lian Quan-S (CV23-S) and Shang Lian Quan-S (Ex-HN21-S) Treats Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)
Shangjin Shi
6 13/10/2024 Endeavour 14:50-15:00 以患者为中心的2型糖尿病全程管理策略
Patient-centered holistic management strategies for type 2 diabetes
Xiaolan Lu
13/10/2024 Tea Room 15:00-15:20 茶休 tea break
7 13/10/2024 Endeavour 15:20-15:30 早期肠内营养配合复元针法在脓毒症急性胃肠损伤患者中的应用研究
Application Study of Early Enteral Nutrition Combined with Resuscitation Acupuncture in Patients with Sepsis and Acute Gastrointestinal Injury
Xiaoju Peng
8 13/10/2024 Endeavour 15:30-15:40 针药结合治疗突发性耳聋一例
Acupuncture Combined with Chinese Medicine Treatment of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Case Report
Yu-erh Liang
9 13/10/2024 Endeavour 15:40-15:50 评估纠正发音错误结合电针灸对自闭症儿童语言功能康复的影响
Vu Nam
10 13/10/2024 Endeavour 15:50-16:00 关于饶氏头针在四肢瘫痪治疗中的应用案例报告
A Case Report Of The Application Of Jiao's Head Acupuncture In Quadriplegia Treatment
Kwan Yuet Cheung

13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 16:30-17:30

闭幕式 closing ceremony

主持人: 杨宇洋

No. Date Venue Time Topics Author Note
1 13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 16:30-16:40 世界针联2024国际针灸学术研讨会(英国)优秀论文颁奖仪式
Award Ceremony for Outstanding Papers at the 2024 WFAS International Acupuncture Symposium (UK)
Baixiao Zhao
2 13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 16:40-16:50 世界针联2024国际针灸学术研讨会(英国)优秀组织单位颁奖仪式 (10个)
Award Ceremony for Outstanding Organizing Units at the 2024 WFAS International Acupuncture Symposium (UK) (10 organizations)
Mei Xing
3 13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 16:50-17:00 "世界针联2025年国际针灸学术研讨会(瑞典)介绍情况
Introduction to the 2025 WFAS International Acupuncture Symposium (Sweden)"
Chungui Yang
4 13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 17:00-17:10 交接会旗仪式:英国中医药学会、英国医学针灸协会、瑞典针灸学术研究学会
Flag Handover Ceremony: British Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association, British Medical Acupuncture Society, Swedish Acupuncture Research Society
4 13/10/2024 Discovery Hall 17:10-17:30 世界针联领导讲话并宣布闭幕
Speech by WFAS leader and announcement of the symposium's closing
Baoyan Liu